sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2017

Apoio Materno e Aprendizagem

        Em uma pesquisa publicada pela revista Child Development (nov/2016) com mães e crianças de 36 meses de idade, pesquisadores do Boston College mostraram que o suporte materno na aprendizagem dos primeiros conceitos numéricos mostra-se um importante precursor para o sucesso da aprendizagem futura dos números cardinais no 1o. ano do EF.

Portanto, mães: Mãos à obra!

The primary goal in this study was to examine maternal support of numerical concepts at 36 months as pre-
dictors of math achievement at 4½ and 6-7 years. Observational measures of motherchild interactions
(n = 140) were used to examine type of support for numerical concepts. Maternal support that involved label-
ing the quantities of sets of objects was predictive of later child math achievement. This association was signif-
icant for preschool (d = .45) and rst-grade math (d = .49), controlling for other forms of numerical support
(identifying numerals, one-to-one counting) as well as potential confounding factors. The importance of mater-
nal support of labeling set sizes at 36 months is discussed as a precursor to childrens eventual understanding
of the cardinal principle.
The primary goal in this study was to examine maternal support of numerical concepts at 36 months as pre-
dictors of math achievement at 4½ and 6-7 years. Observational measures of motherchild interactions
(n = 140) were used to examine type of support for numerical concepts. Maternal support that involved label-
ing the quantities of sets of objects was predictive of later child math achievement. This association was signif-
icant for preschool (d = .45) and rst-grade math (d = .49), controlling for other forms of numerical support
(identifying numerals, one-to-one counting) as well as potential confounding factors. The importance of mater-
nal support of labeling set sizes at 36 months is discussed as a precursor to childrens eventual understanding
of the cardinal principle.